During the divorce, you will need to make many far-reaching decisions that will impact you and your family. Finances are at the core of many, if not all, of them. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), we concentrate exclusively on the financial aspects of your case. We provide you and your attorney with insight, analysis and projections so that you can make an informed decision for settlement purposes. In the event you are unable to settle your case, we are qualified to testify in court as an expert witness.
Specific services include:
Business Valuation
When it comes to issues surrounding divorce, business valuation is often an important concern. The business may be considered marital property and as such, it is subject to division. In order to divide the business in a fair and equitable manner, however, the value of the business must be determined. We have extensive experience valuing privately-held businesses and testifying in court on those valuations.
Cataloguing Financial Information
Gathering all your financial information can be overwhelming, but it is a critical step in understanding your overall financial situation. We work with you and your attorney to advise what documents are needed or will be needed in order to have a full and precise view of your financial situation.
Budget & Cash Flow Analysis
Income and expenses for all parties will invariably change after a divorce. We create a detailed cash flow analysis and project a future budget to help ensure that your monthly cash inflows cover your monthly expenses. This information is also important in influencing spousal maintenance and child support decisions.
Analysis of Settlement Options
Georgia law does not require assets be divided equally between spouses. Since assets vary, it is critical to consider all aspects of a proposed divorce settlement. We explore your options and help you understand the financial and tax implications of each proposal.
Evaluating Tax Consequences
Different types of assets have different tax consequences. We help determine the after-tax value of all assets when analyzing the particulars of your financial situation. By determining the after-tax value, everything will be on an "apples to apples" basis for comparison purposes so that you can make the most informed decisions possible during your case.